Consequences of Failing to Compete
In past seasons there has been an escalation in the number of athletes who fail to compete at Representative Carnivals. Failing to compete obviously denies the next ranked athlete the opportunity to compete. In some instances a genuine reason is tendered in explanation, however, in the majority of cases it has been noted that many athletes fail to notify their Age Manager or the Championships Manager of their inability or unwillingness to compete beforehand or provide a genuine acceptable explanation. This also applies to parents failing to perform their duties. Any athlete who fails to attend and compete, or a parent that fails to perform their duties, without due cause, at Representative Carnivals will result:i) in the athlete being ineligible for further selection
ii) in the athlete being excluded from End of Season Centre Awards
iii) in the case of a parent duty not being performed, the parent duty bond will be not be refunded
Parents will be requested to complete a Failure to Compete Form with an explanation as to why the athlete did not compete. The explanation will be taken into consideration by the Centre Selection Committee when finalising the End of Season Centre Awards.
In the 2024/25 season the above consequences will be enforced.