Representative Selection

Every athlete in the Centre has the opportunity to qualify for selection in the following Championships:

To ensure you are familiar with the selection criteria used, the following points are brought to your attention:

  • For athletes in the Littles Age Groups (7's - 12's), where selections are required, the MWLAC Selection Committee will select athletes based on MWLAC competition only. There will be no exception to this rule and the MWLAC Selection Committee’s decisions are final.
  • For athletes in the Junior Age Groups (13's +), where selections are required, the MWLAC Selection Committee will select athletes based on MWLAC and ANSW competitions only. There will be no exception to this rule and the MWLAC Selection Committee’s decisions are final.
  • All athletes are to opt in for State Relays (8's +) and Zone Championships (7's - 11's). Only athletes who have opted in by the published cut off date will be considered for selection.  An email detailing the opt in process, including the cut of dates, will be sent to all families at the start of the season.  


Selection Criteria

  • The selection weeks may change depending on the cut off dates of LANSW or any other unforeseen circumstances. An athlete not knowing the cut-off date for selection is not grounds to appeal not qualifying for an event.
  • If an athlete wants to be selected for representative competitions it is advised they compete in as many weekly competitions as they can and perform at their best level to avoid disappointment.
  • Athletes competing as a “trialist” will not have their results recorded during the trial period, as such these results will not be considered for representative selection. 
  • Representative parent duties are mandatory for all athletes competing at a representative carnival. Parents must give a commitment of help for each and every representative carnival at which they have a child competing. Where the duty roster fills up prior to a parent selecting a duty they will be required to do an additional duty at the following representative carnival or on a normal competition day in the case where there are no athletes from the family competing at the next representative carnival.

State Relays

Please note the following with regard to State Relay selection:
  • The selection period for State Relays is Weeks 1-6 of competition
  • A Little's athlete (8's - 12's) is required to have competed in an event 50% or more of the times the event has been offered to be eligible for selection. Age Managers and the Centre Selection Committee will have the ability to determine the best athletes for selection. In the first instance when looking at results the best results of an athlete will be used to calculate an average.
    As an example, in the case where an event has been offered 5 times, an average of the athletes 3 best results will be used. If there are athletes with a similar average result, PBs and head to head results may also be considered in order to select an athlete.
  • A Junior athlete (13's +) is required to have competed in an event one or more times to be eligible for selection. Age Managers and the Centre Selection Committee will have the ability to determine the best athletes for selection. In the first instance Season Best results from an MWLAC or ANSW competition will be used to select an athlete but averages and head to head results may also be considered.
  • It is important to note that State Relays is a team based competition. Selections are made based on combinations of athletes to give the best, strongest, overall teams across the different events while trying to give as many athletes as possible the opportunity to represent the Centre. This may lead to athletes being selected for events other than their favourite event.

Zone Championships

Please note the following with regard to Zone Championship selection:
  • The selection period for the Zone Championships is Weeks 1-8 of competition
  • Athletes in the 7's - 11's age groups are required to have competed in an event 50% or more to be eligible for selection. Age Managers and the Centre Selection Committee will have the ability to determine the best athletes for selection. In the first instance when looking at results the best results of an athlete will be used to calculate an average.
    As an example, in the case where an event has been offered 5 times, an average of the athletes 3 best results will be used. If there are athletes with a similar average result, PBs and head to head results may also be considered in order to select an athlete.
  • Athletes in the 12's and above are able to self-select their events, up to 6 events may be selected.
  • Athletes who opt in and offer themselves for selection for the Zone Championships must be available for the Region & State Championships. If you are unlikely to be available because of clashes with other sports or activities, such as Nippers Carnivals, then the athlete should not be opting in for the Zone Championships.
  • Athletes from All Age Groups who qualify for Region & State are required to compete in all their qualified events. If you are no longer able to compete at Region or State for any reason, please ensure that you inform the Championships Manager before the end of the Zone or Region Championship so the reserve athlete is given the opportunity to compete in your place.  Substitutions cannot be made once the championship is finished.

Consequences of Failing to Compete

In past seasons there has been an escalation in the number of athletes who fail to compete at Representative Carnivals. Failing to compete obviously denies the next ranked athlete the opportunity to compete.  In some instances a genuine reason is tendered in explanation, however, in the majority of cases it has been noted that many athletes fail to notify their Age Manager or the Championships Manager of their inability or unwillingness to compete beforehand or provide a genuine acceptable explanation.  This also applies to parents failing to perform their duties. Any athlete who fails to attend and compete, or a parent that fails to perform their duties, without due cause, at Representative Carnivals will result:
i)   in the athlete being ineligible for further selection
ii)  in the athlete being excluded from End of Season Centre Awards
iii) in the case of a parent duty not being performed, the parent duty bond will be not be refunded

Parents will be requested to complete a Failure to Compete Form with an explanation as to why the athlete did not compete.  The explanation will be taken into consideration by the Centre Selection Committee when finalising the End of Season Centre Awards.

In the 2024/25 season the above consequences will be enforced.   
