North East Metropolitan Zone Championships


Fri 22 Nov 2024 17:00 — Sun 24 Nov 2024 17:00

Event information

This event has passed.

Friday 22 November 2024 - Pennant Hills Park
1st marshalling call @ 6:25pm with events commencing at 6:45pm

Saturday 23 November 2024 - Blacktown International Sports Park
1st marshalling call @ 8:10am with events commencing at 8:30am

Sunday 24 November 2024 - Blacktown International Sports Park
1st marshalling call @ 7:40am with events commencing at 8:00am 


The final timetable, program and entry lists can be found on the ANSW website as soon as it is available. Click here and scroll down to Region 5 – North East Met Zone.  The Zone program shows not before start times; meaning an event will not start ahead of this time.


The Manly Warringah Centre [not club] Uniform must be worn to compete. 
Click here to purchase the uniform online. Orders placed prior to 8:00pm on the Friday night will be available for collection from outside the computer room at the following dates/times:
  • Saturday 9th November @ 8.30-10:00am
  • Saturday 16th November @ 8.30-10:00am
  • Wednesday 20th November @ 5:30-6:30pm
In addition, each athlete will require the following:
  • Cloth Registration Number that will be worn on the front of the Centre Uniform top with the red border fully visible
    (Athletes who competed at Littles State Relays on 10th November, will have received their cloth number at check in.  All other athletes will receive theirs when checking in at the Zone Championships)
  • Coles Patch on the front right shoulder of the Centre Uniform top
    (This is the same as the one used in previous years.  If you do not have one you can collect at check in)
  • Age Patch on the front left-hand side leg
    (This is currently being worn at Saturday competitions)
DO NOT LOSE YOUR CLOTH NUMBER - IT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CHAMPIONSHIPS.  If your athlete competed at State Relays and arrives without their cloth number, they will have a new number reissued for a $10 replacement fee.  Please note this can be a time-consuming process so arrive with plenty of time.
Any competitor not correctly attired will be sent to their Team Manager to correct their uniform, but please note that the event will not be held awaiting their return. 

To have your parent duty recorded you will need to sign in at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of your duty and sign out at the conclusion of your duty, with the MWLAC Team Manager. All parent helpers must be wearing closed in shoes – No thongs or sandals. 

Representative parent duties are mandatory for all athletes competing at a representative carnival. Parents must give a commitment of help for each and every representative carnival at which they have a child competing. Where the duty roster fills up prior to a parent selecting a duty, they will be required to do an additional duty at the following representative carnival or on a regular competition day (in the case where there are no athletes from the family competing at the next representative carnival).

A link to the parent duty roster will be sent out closer to the event – get in quick to give yourself the best chance of securing your preferred duty at a time convenient to you. If there are issues preventing you from fulfilling this requirement, please advise both the Manager for Championships ( and the Manager for Volunteers ( so that a resolution can be found prior to the event. The earlier you make contact, the easier the issue might be to resolve, giving your athlete(s) the best opportunity of being able to compete.

In addition, there is an expectation that all families have signed up for two regular Saturday parent duties (pre-Christmas) in order for your athlete to compete at these Championships. A reconciliation will be completed after Saturday competition and those parents who have not met the criteria will be contacted to resolve. Click here to access the Saturday parent duty roster. 
On arrival ALL athletes must register their attendance with the MWLAC Team Manager at least one hour before the event time as listed in the final program. Please leave with plenty of time to ensure you have a stress-free arrival for you and your athlete!

Each event will receive two marshalling calls. The first call will be made 20-25 minutes before the event start time followed by a second and final call 7 minutes later. In the case of track events, marshalling where possible will close 3 minutes later, with no athlete entries (except for field event clashes) permitted after that cut off point. This policy will ensure that seeding adjustments can be made in the event of multiple athlete withdrawals to ultimately provide a fairer outcome for all competitors.

Events will be referred to by their Little As term and not ANSW in calls throughout the weekend e.g. “14s” not “Under 15s”. 

On Friday evening with only the 3000m events to be run the first marshalling call will be at 6:25pm

The first marshalling call for track and field events will be at 8:10am on Saturday & 7:40am on Sunday. Track athletes should make their way to Track Marshalling when the first call is made. 

For first field events each day athletes should proceed directly to their event for marshalling at the competition area.
For all other field events competitors must make their way to the designated field marshalling area located adjacent to Track Marshalling.


There will be a Clash Manager (and assistants) responsible for collecting athletes from field events and taking them to track events when there is a clash. As a suggestion to make this clash management easier for everyone concerned, especially the younger 7-11 age groups, each Centre Team Manager may consider writing the child’s events on their hand each morning, along with the ‘not before time’ so that the Event Chief and Clash Manager can more easily assist in identifying any event clashes during the day.

We will again be aiming to use Wrist Bands to highlight track athletes that have come from a clashing field event. These will be applied to affected athletes by the Clash Management team. Event Chiefs will be instructed only to release children to designated Clash Manager/Assistants (identified by a lanyard). 

Parents MUST NOT remove children from an event themselves.
If they do, the child risks disqualification. 


If your athlete is selected, accepts the position and then becomes unavailable or changes their mind, a Failure to Compete form must be submitted. This applies to:

  • Athletes who are selected to compete at zone (7s-11s), accept their position and then withdraw
  • Athletes who qualify from a heat to a final at any of the championships
  • Athletes who qualify to compete at either the Region or State championship

In all scenarios listed above the position cannot be given to the next best athlete.

The selection committee will review all Failure to Compete forms to determine if a genuine, acceptable explanation has been provided. Please understand this may impact future selections and awards for the athlete as a change of mind does not generally constitute an acceptable explanation.



The Region Championship will be held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre on Saturday 8 February and Sunday 9 February 2025. Some events may be conducted on Friday 7 February but the program is  yet to be finalised.

Any athlete who may qualify to compete at the Regional Championship but who knows they will not be available must advise the Team Manager BEFORE the end of the Zone carnival weekend.



There is plenty of seating in the grandstand with each centre to be allocated an area. There is very limited grass area for private shade shelters, so we strongly recommend that these are not brought to Blacktown. There is a fixed shade shelter covering a small area of the sloping grass overlooking the track. 



At the non car park end there will be no access to the competition arena for close viewing of the Javelin, both Shot Puts and Discus 2. 

At the car park end spectators may view High Jumps and Discus 1 from the fence adjacent to the competition arena, but the pathway must be kept clear and accessible at all times. Spectators may wish to bring binoculars to view field events better from the comfort of the grandstand.



7s - 10s - Spikes may not be worn in any event.

11s - 12s - Spikes may be worn in all track events run entirely in lanes, all jumps events and javelin. 

13s - 17s - Spikes may be worn in all track events (except Walks), all jumps events and javelin.

All competitors - Shoes are compulsory for all competitors in all events.

All athletes wearing spikes must use starting blocks in laned events up to and including 400m and the first runner of a relay.

All spike shoes must be worn with all holes filled with a complete set of spikes, with no more than two blanks/slugs installed. Christmas Tree or Pyramid spikes are permitted.

Maximum spike length:

  • Running activity 7mm 
  • Throw and Jump activity 9mm 




The Zone Championships will go ahead regardless of the weather so athletes and parents should come prepared with hats and sunscreen as well as umbrellas and raincoats! In the event of extreme conditions, such as excessive heat, storms or flooding, the Championships may be delayed or temporarily suspended. Any decision to delay or postpone the Championships will be made by the Zone Committee and advised to Centre Team Managers as soon as possible.



There is a small warm up area at the side of the grandstand, however, but the use of throwing implements including from the discus cage is not permitted in this area at any time.

There will be NO warming up inside the perimeter fence of the track after 7.30am on both days of the carnival unless authorized by the Carnival Manager. 



Coaches areas for athletes aged 13 and up will be available only as follows:

  • At the car park end for Discus 1 and both high jumps.
  • From the first row of seats in the grandstand for long and triple jumps

These areas are only to be used whilst your athlete is competing and even then only when they have completed a jump or throw. The carnival manager will remove those people that are seen to be abusing this benefit.

Athletes in the 7-12 age group are reminded that they must not leave the event area during competition for any reason, and they risk disqualification if they do.



Results will be available online as soon as possible after the event. Click here to access these results. 


  • Full canteen operated by Delaware North – with EFTPOS facility
  • Coffee van 
  • First Aid by St John Ambulance
  • Tensegrity Chiropractors
  • Track & Field footwear supplies - Keep on Running



Instant Photos will be our photographers this year taking action shots of the athletes. Martin and Vanessa will be at the track all weekend. Speak to either of them for specific photo requests noting photos are only available for purchase over the weekend and not online.



Competitors in the 7’s age group who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a final will receive a medal. For all other age groups, the first three placegetters will receive a ribbon.

Medals and ribbons will be presented as soon as possible after the event.

Track medalists should remain in the designated area at the finish line until their medal presentation, however athletes who need to return to a field event should make the track and medals officials aware, and a decision will be made as to whether the presentation is made immediately or held until after the field event. Field top 3 placegetters will be taken to the presentation area by an official at the end of their event.

All competitors will also receive a certificate showing all their performances via their Centre in due course.



Athletes must apply to LANSW prior to the carnival on the prescribed form for consideration of approval of any zone exemption.



All equipment will be provided by the event organisers. No athlete is allowed to use their own throwing implements. 

