Region 5 Championships


Fri 07 Feb 2025 09:00 — Sun 09 Feb 2025 09:00

Event information

This event has passed.

The final timetable, program and entry lists can be found on the ANSW website as soon as it is available.  Click here and scroll down to Region 5

Click here to view the DRAFT timetable (updated 3rd Feb 2025).
The Manly Warringah Centre [not club] Uniform must be worn to compete. 
Click here to purchase the uniform online.
In addition, each athlete will require the following:
  • Cloth Registration Number that will be worn on the front of the Centre Uniform top with the red border fully visible
    (Athletes who competed at State Relays & Zone will have received their cloth number at check in)
  • Coles Patch on the front right shoulder of the Centre Uniform top
    (Athletes who competed at State Relays & Zone will have received their Coles patch at check in)
  • Age Patch on the front left-hand side leg
    (This is currently being worn at Saturday competitions)
DO NOT LOSE YOUR CLOTH NUMBER - IT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CHAMPIONSHIPS.  If your athlete arrives without their cloth number, they will have a new number reissued for a $10 replacement fee.  Please note this can be a time-consuming process so arrive with plenty of time.
Any competitor not correctly attired will be sent to their Team Manager to correct their uniform, but please note that the event will not be held awaiting their return. 
On arrival ALL athletes must register their attendance with the MWLAC Team Manager at least one hour before the event time as listed in the final program. Please leave with plenty of time to ensure you have a stress-free arrival for you and your athlete!
  • If you have not yet collected your region gift, you can do so when checking in with the Manly Team Manager.
  • If an athlete does not report to marshalling, the event will go ahead without them
  • There will be a first and second call for every event. The first call will be made 20 - 25 minutes before the event start time followed by a second and final call 7 minutes later
  • Athletes and parents must listen carefully and only go to marshalling after the event has been called - not before. 

Marshalling – Field Events

  • For all except the first events each day Field Marshalling will be located on the concrete area above the grass slope at the South end behind Discus 2
  • For first field events each day, athletes should proceed directly to the field event area – athletes only must enter the competition arena via the marathon tunnel only
  • After a field event finishes, athletes must wait to be escorted to the exit by an official
  • Medalists will be held and others should return to the grandstand via the back exit underneath the grandstand.  The athlete exit where parents can meet their children is marked on the venue map and will have signage on the day. 

Marshalling – Track events

  • Proceed to Track Pre-Marshalling - located at the bottom of the Marathon Tunnel on the grass to the right at the south end.  Uniforms will be checked before athletes are then taken by officials to marshalling on the track near the finish line.  ATHLETES ONLY are permitted in this area. Parents must remain at the top of the Marathon Tunnel
  • After completing a heat, athletes must leave the track via the ‘first aid’ tunnel using the exit underneath the grandstand unless subject to an event clash. In this instance they must return promptly to their field event
  • After a final, medalists will remain for presentations.  Others leave the track via the back exit as above
  • Please refer to the map below which indicates where parents can meet their children.
Access to both field and track marshalling areas is via the concourse at the back of the grandstand only – NOT from 
the front of the grandstand or across the competition arena.
  • NO access to the track or field events from the front of the grandstand. 
  • NO access to the grandstand from trackside. 
  • Access to the grandstand is via the concourse only. 
  • Exit from the competition area is via the ‘first aid’ tunnel near the finish line only. 
Parent Helpers Access 
Access the field event areas via either the North end (Bay 6) or South end (Bay 13) access gate only. 
These gates will be controlled, and the Parent Helper lanyard should indicate whether the event area is at the North or South end of the field.  
Officials Access 
Officials may access the competition arena either via the ‘first aid’ track exit tunnel or the North or South end access gate.  All officials will be wearing dark blue polo shirts and will wear an official lanyard. 
To have your parent duty recorded you will need to sign in at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of your duty and sign out at the conclusion of your duty, with the MWLAC Team Manager. All parent helpers must be wearing closed in shoes – No thongs or sandals. 
Representative parent duties are mandatory for all athletes competing at a representative carnival. Parents must give a commitment of help for each and every representative carnival at which they have a child competing. Where the duty roster fills up prior to a parent selecting a duty, they will be required to do an additional duty at the following representative carnival or on a regular competition day (in the case where there are no athletes from the family competing at the next representative carnival).
A link to the parent duty roster will be sent out closer to the event – get in quick to give yourself the best chance of securing your preferred duty at a time convenient to you. If there are issues preventing you from fulfilling this requirement, please advise both the Manager for Championships ( and the Manager for Volunteers ( so that a resolution can be found prior to the event. The earlier you make contact, the easier the issue might be to resolve, giving your athlete(s) the best opportunity of being able to compete.
In addition, there is an expectation that all families have completed two regular Saturday parent duties prior to Christmas and signed up for two parent duties post Christmas in order for your athlete to compete at these Championships. A reconciliation will be completed and those parents who have not met the criteria will be contacted to resolve. Click here to access the Saturday parent duty roster. 
  • Appropriate footwear is compulsory for all athletes in all events

  • No athlete may wear football boots or cleats in any event

  • 8, 9 and 10: Spikes may not be worn in any event

  • 11 and 12: Spikes may be worn in all track events run entirely in lanes, all jumps events and javelin

  • 13 and above: Spikes may be worn in all track events except Walks, long jump, triple jump, high jump and javelin

  • All spike shoes must be worn with all holes filled with a complete set of spikes, with no more than two blanks/slugs installed

  • SPIKED SHOES cannot be worn outside the defined “field of play” unless all spikes are suitably covered. 

Only ‘Pyramid’ or ‘Christmas Tree’ spikes (also called compression tiered spikes) are to be used on the track for athletic activity. 
  • Athletes 14 and above must use starting blocks if wearing spikes. Para athletes are excluded. 
  • Athletes in ages 11, 12 and 13 do not need to use starting blocks if wearing spike shoes.  Please note - this applies to this carnival only - athletes must check competition rules for future events - this rule may be different. 
The warm up track will not be available – athletes must not use this facility at any time over the weekend. 
Athletes may warm up on the outer concourse area but launching of throwing implements is not permitted. 
There is to be no warming up on the main track after 7.30 a.m. once the first marshalling call has been made on 
Saturday and Sunday morning.  
Where possible an area designated for Coaches to speak with athletes will be clearly marked on the perimeter fence for all field events.  Seats will be designated for coaches in the grandstand where possible.  Parents and other spectators are requested to respect this signage and leave the seats free. 
The event chief/official will monitor and control crossing of the track if necessary. 
There will be a Clash Manager (and assistants) responsible for collecting athletes from field events and taking them to track events when there is a clash.  To assist this process, for athletes aged 8-11, the Team Manager (or parent) is requested to write the child’s events on their hand each morning, along with the ‘not before time’ so that the Event Chief and Clash Manager can more easily identify any clashes. 

Event Chiefs will be instructed only to release children to designated Clash Official (identified by a lanyard). Parents MUST NOT remove children from an event – If they do, the child risks disqualification. Athletes will be collected from field events by the Clash Official and taken to the start of their track event. They will not be taken from the field event until the track event competitors are assembled at the start line. Athletes will be told to return directly to the field event, but they will not be escorted back to the field event. 
  • All competitors placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a final will receive a medal. 
  • Medals will be presented as soon as possible after the event.  
  • Track medalists should remain in the designated area near the finish line until their medal presentation*.   
  • Field medalists will be taken to the presentation area by an official at the end of their event. 
  • Athletes in the 1500m Walk and 3000m run who do not achieve the qualifying times for the State Championships will still receive medals at Region for placing 1, 2 or 3, but will not progress. 
All competitors will also receive a certificate showing all their performances via their Centre in due course. 
*Athletes who need to return to a field event should make the track and medals officials aware, and a decision will be made as to whether the presentation is made immediately or held until after the field event finishes. 
  • Medals will be pre-engraved with the age group and event.  
  • Ensign Engraving will be available at a cost of $12 to add the athlete’s name and performance details. 
  • Where: On the Concourse in front of the Betty Cuthbert Room 
  • When: Daily from approx. 9:30am until 4:00pm. 
Manly Warringah have allocated seating at the back of Bay 9


Friday – 4 hours free after ticket validation at SOPAC reception 
Saturday and Sunday - $22 flat rate in P1, P2, P3 and P4 after ticket validation at SOPAC reception 
SOPAC reception is under the grandstand at the Northern end.
The Championships will go ahead regardless of the weather – all athletes and parents should come prepared with hats and sunscreen as well as umbrellas and raincoats! 
In the event of extreme conditions - excessive heat, storms or flooding - the Championships may be delayed or temporarily suspended.  Any decision to delay or postpone the Championships will be made by the Region Committee and advised to Centre Team Managers as soon as possible.    
There is no back-up date – the carnival must be completed this weekend. 

Located on the competition arena near the finish line and accessed only via Gate 13. Only the Manly Team Managers can approach the Information Tent with protests and concerns. If you have any issues throughout the carnival, please see the Team Managers in Bay 9. 

  • Friday – one canteen will be open from 530pm to 730pm. 
  • Saturday and Sunday - Two canteens open from 8am and an ice cream/coffee van will be on the forecourt. 
Home prepared food may be brought into the venue, but food from other places such as Subway, McDonalds, Gloria Jean is NOT PERMITTED 
Coles will provide bananas for athletes and spectators free of charge, and LANSW will also be handing out Raw C coconut water.  These will be available from a tent on the forecourt near the entry gate. 
  • First Aid by St. Johns located near the finish line on the track
  • Tensegrity Sports Chiropractors located on the forecourt
  • Keep on Running – located on the forecourt (Sunday)
  • Kings Sports Store – Track and Field equipment and supplies – all day both days. (Between bays 5 & 6)
  • Ensign Engraving – as detailed above. (Outside the Betty Cuthbert Room between VIP 1 and VIP 2. 
Competitors in the 8s do not progress beyond Region.   
Athletes aged 9 to 12 - The first 2 place getters in a final qualify to progress to the State Championships. In addition, the next best 8 competitors in each event across all 8 Region will qualify. 
Athletes aged 13 to 15 - The first 2 place getters in a final qualify to progress to the State Championships. In addition, the next best 8 competitors in each event may qualify from the 8 Regions, Treloar Shield and NSW Country Championships. 
This season, ALL athletes aged 9 to 15 will be required to accept their place at the State Championships, as per the email issued by NSW Athletics on 30 January 2025. 

 Only the first place Relay Team will progress to State. 
There is no progression from Region to State for athletes aged 16, 17 and Under 20.  These athletes will need to enter the State Championships themselves directly. 
Ages 13 and above - NSW Junior Championships - Thursday 13 March 2025 to Sunday 16 March 2025 at SOPAC 
Athletes must register their acceptance or submit their direct entry no later than 26 February 2025. 
Ages 9 to 12 - NSW Little Athletics Championships - Saturday 22 March 2025 to Sunday 23 March 2025 at SOPAC 
Athletes must register their acceptance no later than 5 March 2025

Any athlete who may qualify to compete at the State Championship, either directly or as a ‘next best’ qualifier who knows they will not participate must advise the Team Manager BEFORE the end of the Region carnival weekend.   
A “Not Proceeding” form will be provided to each Team Manager.   This form must be returned to the Information Desk before the end of the carnival.   Team Managers are requested to submit a ‘nil’ return if applicable.
